

#女人 是這樣的,一開始她會用自己...

#女人 是這樣的,一開始她會用自己希望被對待的方式對你,然後,她會用你對她的方式對你。你也是如此嗎?還是不只女人如此呢?\ \ #Listen vary carefully. #women are like this. They treat you the way they want to be tr

eated at first. Then they'll treat you the way you treat them.\ \ Are you this kind of woman?\ #womanup #womenpower #life #share #心靈雞湯 #20plus20 #maturity

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#女人 是這樣的,一開始她會用自己希望被對待的方式對你,然後,她會用你對她的方式對你。你也是如此嗎?還

是不只女人如此呢? #Listen vary carefully. #women are like this. They treat you the way they want to be treated at first. Then they'll treat you the way you treat them. Are you this kind of woman #womanup #womenpower #life #share #心靈雞湯 #20plus20 #maturity

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覺得有感❤️ . . #語錄 #心情 #長大 #成熟 #quotes #mood #maturity

#keepcalm #calm #staycool #bebetter #lifeistough #womanpower #positive #betterlife #fashionblogger #styleblogger #lifestyleblogger #lifstyle

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心是難以馴服的,對於不舒服的人事物,就會下意識的想逃,無法假裝。 其實並不是越長大越難愛人,而是越是

成熟,越能分辨那不是愛。 怎麼連散步的時間都沒有呢?思緒太過擁擠,心就相對貧乏。 #busy #exhausted #heart #love #maturity #walk #night #light #Taipei

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I miss the old me. Where's friendship #friendship #

gone #maturity #growup
