

\ 其實現在很多實支實付\ 都早...

\ 其實現在很多實支實付\ 都早已限制正本了...\ 但保險局這動作\ 相信壽險公司跟保戶也會用其他方式來因應...\ \ #自負額醫療險 #實支實付 #正本理賠 #副本理賠\

\ #給穿搭多一筆硬度\  \ ...

\ #給穿搭多一筆硬度\  \ 灰白黑的比例舒適,在隨意的美式休閒中添一筆硬度。除能展現街頭的自由自在,更是掌握自己的舒適單品。\  \ -\  \ 《 青途 》 - https://reurl.cc/EDnan\ 那是日裡舒服的裝,伴他跑過七八個鮮活的年頭,後來也得鎖進櫃裡。\  \

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敏捷錠有多厲害嗎?\ 今天(3/7...

敏捷錠有多厲害嗎?\ 今天(3/7)晚上7:20 第46台,憲哥現場說給你聽!\ 憲哥拍攝花絮\ 是不是很軟Q很靈活\ ?想知道其中的秘訣\ 請鎖定3/7(四)19:20?46頻道\ ?憲哥到節目現場說給你聽?\ ‼‼\ #憲哥\ #靈活秘訣\ #優適活敏捷膠原錠

\ 【 Meet Our Anch...

\ 【 Meet Our Anchor: Anchor Taiwan Winter 2018 】⠀\ \ Lukas Horak is the Technical Consultant at Adastra, an global IT consulting company focusing on h

elping financial companies with software and data. He is a software engineer with a background in economics graduated from NCKU in Taiwan. He has global experiences working with FinTech startups and transformations in large banks in the USA, Germany, China and India.\ \ --⠀\ ? Anchor Taiwan connects, empowers and educates changemakers for their success in Asia & beyond\ ------------------------------------⠀\ ➤ Entrepreneurial & Creative Residency⠀\ ➤ Industry Access | Cultural Immersion⠀\ ➤ Apply & Join us: anchortaiwan.com\ \ #fintech #CzechRepublic #AnchorTaiwan\

\ #接下來要去哪 #keeptr...

\ #接下來要去哪 #keeptraveling ? „The sea, once it casts its spell, holds one in its net of wonder forever.“ - Jacques Yves Cousteau.... I am about to pack a

gain... Where to next? ?? Take a guess?? 一次愛上海洋 永遠放不下? 又要開始打包,今年最後一趟遊程 #嘆口氣 ~猜猜要去哪??\ .\ ? @indo.eye \ .\ .\ .\ .\ .\ .\ #ocean #surf #travel #surflife #bikini #islandlife #pacific #destination #traveler #sea #waves #surfing #justgo #keepgoing #wanderess #entrepreneurlife #surfphotography #dome #underwater #surface #waves #island #palmtrees #beach\

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來東京踩點 #青山 #六本木 #tokyo #alfredtearoom #alfred #japan


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參加第四次的週年慶造勢大會 漢神漢神 業績達成 11/23~12/26 #漢神百貨週年慶 ,大家都要來

喔~ #漢神 #週年慶 #造勢活動 #高雄 #南霸天 #kaohsiung #linepay #百貨 #百貨公司 #taiwan

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赤崁劉家古厝 Finally got into and up the stairs of the Li

u Family House in Ziguan. 。 。 。 。 #kaohsiung #kaohsiungcity #ziguan #oldhouselove #exploretaiwan #explorekaohsiung #iformosa #赤崁劉家古厝 #劉家古厝 #赤崁 #看見台灣 #梓官 #老厝 #老房子 #老宅 #高雄 #古厝 #房子

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-- 人生中的初次連續兩次GA就獻給今天惹 謝謝機長,落得好穩~ - #goaround #holdi

ng #crewlife #覺得跑道近了然後房子又遠了

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- 如果是為了遊山玩水做簡報,我很樂意。 只是我的Seminar要開天窗了唷! . . . . .

. #中央公園#曼哈頓#紐約#美國 #CentralPark#Manhattan#NYC#NewYork#UnitedStates#downtown#metropolitan#landscape#skyscraper#highrise#skyline#htc10#visittheusa#outdoorsusa#睿的米國日誌
