

\ 想念巴黎的美\ 還有好多地方...

\ 想念巴黎的美\ 還有好多地方沒去\ 可不可以陪我再去一次?\ \ 我應該就只是想出國了\ 星期一才不會讓人憂鬱 \ 星期一是要認命\ 星期天晚上才會讓人心情憂鬱\ \ Miss the beauty of Paris. Would you be willing to visit th

is city with me again?\ I think Monday doesn’t make people blue, Sunday does,especially Sunday night.\ \ #beauty #paris #visitagain #withme #monday #doesnt #make #people #blue #sundaynight #does #ning #chang #zoey\

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❤️ 無法控制說話的語氣 才 沈默以對等情緒過去 #when #you #are #angry #wi

th #something #or #someone #I #will #choose #does #not #say #anything

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❤️ 能 力 不 足 拖 累 別 人 #I #just #a #new #learner #does

#not #have #any #experience #made #my #parter #feel #tired

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❤️ 等待領薪水的日子 總是 非 常 難 熬 明天又要收假回台中面對現實 #maybe #I #fe

el #a #little #tired #so #when #I #does #not #have #work #will #want #to #play #everywhere

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#my #life #perfect #moment #does #quotes #thumbsup

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壞小孩不吃飯!一直肖想我的晚餐 #fify #dachshund #bad #boy #does #n

ot #want #to #eat #dinner