

\ ?千呼萬喚始出來!~~眾多粉絲...

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\ 謝謝 #聯合新聞網 報導!\ https://udn.com/news/story/7001/2270285\ \ #Q小編\

\ 【#台股收盤】\ 費城半導體...

\ 【#台股收盤】\ 費城半導體指數崩跌近5%,台股電子股也遇難,台積電(2330)失守180元,拖累大盤重挫,終場大跌74點以9189點作收,成交量747億。\ \ Yahoo股市APP點我下載\ >> https://yho.com/stockfb\


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\ 如何用Xbox one 同Wi...

\ 如何用Xbox one 同Wii U 玩PS VR\ \ #pc3 #psvr #ps4 - http://www.pc3mag.com/how-to-use-playstation-vr-on-xbox-one/\

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炸多人ㄉ摩西分海 #澎湖 #奎壁山 #奎壁山之摩西分海

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2013/5/31沒跟到吃冰 三年後... 2016/5/31跟到了 14屆正副社長 畢業前最後一吃

芒果冰 草莓冰 6/2真理熱舞社成發 6:00開始 來看老人帥一波 #hot #aud #14 #dance

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Like #wildflowers I must allow myself to grow in a

ll the places people thought I never would The very things I take for granted someone else is praying for #hence #begrateful#letstravel#alongwith#dandelion#buds#blooming#steppingstone#flyhigh#freespirit#focuson#dailyroutine#eatsleepplayrepeat#thatsit#dailyquotes #寶寶#彆扭

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#Google #android #playground #travel #siliconvalley

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春風不解禁楊花,濛濛亂撲行人面 Seems to be in a misty dark forest

· · · #vsco #vscocam #vscotaipei #vscotaiwan #yangmingshan #taipei #taiwan #iseetaiwan #minimapeople #livefolk #forest #mountain #mountainclimbing #misty #rainy #dark #melancholy #trees #branches #twigs #instadaily #picoftheday #fog #scene #view
