

\ #台南\ #紅妃大腸香腸\ ...

\ #台南\ #紅妃大腸香腸\ -\ #大腸香腸 ᴺᵀᴰ50\ -\ 今天來大東找美食,最愛這家大腸香腸,\ 在鐵板放入九層塔煎炒過,超香,\ 成為我來大東必吃之一?\ -\ 推薦給大家囉??\ -\ #janë晚餐 #janë夜市 #台南美食 #大東 #大東夜市 #夜市美食 #

tainan #taiwan #tainanfood #taiwanfood #popyummy #foodpic #foodpics\

\ 富勒博士122歳生日紀念!非常...

\ 富勒博士122歳生日紀念!非常感恩您為世界創造的智慧結晶!更感恩您帶給Money&You全球畢業家人的寶貴資產!我是林偉賢,我以身為M&Y畢業家人為榮!\ \ https://www.facebook.com/willsonlin/posts/10155435594284326\ \ Today

is Bucky Fuller's birthday! Though he left this world on July 1st, 1983, he forever lives in the hearts of so many. His teachings, his discoveries / distinctions and sharing of generalized principles have been the guiding force for our teachings / organization. \ In many ways, he changed the course of humanity by teaching us the distinction that most of humanity is taught to live in scarcity through antiquated school systems and erroneous thinking. Once we see this, we can choose to live from Sufficiency which leads to Abundance / Prosperity for All. Happy birthday, Bucky! You forever live in our hearts ?\ \ Lots of resources about his work at: http://www.MoneyandYou.com/buckminster-fuller\ \ Our Global Business School Retreat Nov 11 - 18 will have many of his teachings in action! http://www.GlobalBusinessSchoolRetreat.com\ \ Check out his Institute where you can find his books, products and more information about his work: http://www.BFI.org\ \ Randolph Craft also has an amazing video library of Bucky's teaching at our Business School event, The Future of Business, back in 1981!\ \ #moneyandyou #dccordova #globalbusinessschoolretreat #excellerated #buckyfuller #buckminsterfuller #wealth #accesstocash\

\ 【2017/06/16 #阮慕...

\ 【2017/06/16 #阮慕驊的股市財經要聞整理】\ \ ●財經晚點名\ \ 台股周四小漲,大盤止穩,加權指收漲15點,收10088點,成交759.71億。台指期收漲11點,收10073點,成交12.3萬口。櫃買指收漲0.07點,收134.34點,成交206.17億。\ \ 盤後資料,外資

買超1.59億,投信賣超5.61億,自營商賣超1.46億,三大法人合計賣5.48億。台指期外資賣超75口,淨多單留倉51855口,投信賣超3口,淨空單留倉35727口,自營商買超1696口,淨多單留倉2141口。\ \ 法人買盤回來,大盤止穩,但成交量不足以上攻,台股多空走勢要看外資態度,外資若買盤歸隊,大盤就不易下跌,反之若持續賣超,大盤要漲也難。\ \ ●國際財經要聞\ \ 1. 香港金管會跟隨美聯準會宣布升息1碼\ 2. 美債2年與10年債息差81點,殖利率曲線平坦化\ 3. 美油再挫跌4%,創下7個月新低\ 4. 公股行庫連5日買超台股,共買進17萬口\ \ 聯準會升息1碼,把基準利率拉升至1-1.25%,這是今年第二次升息,聯準會估2019年底利率將升至2.9。市場估聯準會最快九月縮表,初期縮表以100億美元為上限,最多可能300億美元。\ \ ???????????????????????\ \ 阮慕驊老師活動邀約請洽詢 ☎ 02-27415255\ \ #阮慕驊 #財經專家 #NEWS98 #財經一路發 #國內房地產 #國際房產 #股匯市 #經濟 #台股 #美股 #人民幣 #VIX #日幣\ #大家一起發發發\

\ 遠在西雅圖的好朋友,總是為了見...

\ 遠在西雅圖的好朋友,總是為了見一面而開3個鐘頭到溫哥華,心裏很溫暖,謝謝你們的陪伴! #friendship #fellowship #vancouver #family #love\

\ #幸福企業|南部五十家幸福企業...

\ #幸福企業|南部五十家幸福企業大補帖!\ \ 快來看看南台灣的重用員工、幸福調薪到不要不要的~高薪企業有哪些吧!\ \ 本月公職? http://bit.ly/civiltime1706\ 考古題庫? http://bit.ly/2017testexam\ 公職國營? http://bit

.ly/fbeducivil2017\ #加薪好嗎 #轉職跳槽 #1111進修網\ \ 羨慕的不要不要Der!以為是台北職缺嗎?\ 嘿▼▼以下這些都在南部上班唷▼▼\ \ ★中天生技,調薪2%~10% :https://goo.gl/YG5bWz\ ★台灣水泥,調薪2%~7%:https://goo.gl/Ax4IqF\ ★台積電,調薪3%~5%:https://goo.gl/gsxeK6\ ★台北晶華酒店,調薪3%~6%:https://goo.gl/p61E3C\ ★華南金,調薪3.7%:https://goo.gl/3ViTb0\ ★中信金,調薪2.5%~3%:https://goo.gl/v0NRQ8\ ★山隆通運,調薪3%~5% :https://goo.gl/fHwLAc\ ★ 旺矽科技,調薪3%:https://goo.gl/WpXOKm\ ★ 聯合骨科器材,調薪3%:https://goo.gl/7NWpzy\ \ #知名企業 #調薪 #才有動力往下走啊\

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這次找不到護照 簽證過期 種種怪事 我覺得肯定有大事發生 果然 奶奶走了 #人生無常 #life #m

ygrandma #passaway #sad #uncertainty #grandmother #passport #dissappear #visa #expired #signofgod

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氛圍,很多東西就是越有年紀越有吸引力呀!《直感文具》這本書是直物創辦人寫的,書裡寫著關於文具研發和生產的故事,和它們的獨特的地方,像科技一樣一直在進步演化,成為受人們愛戴、流傳許久的經典。無法把這些文具都收集完,但光看圖片和文字好像也能窺探一二! 白色天鵝的頭是一枝原子筆,在二手市集買的,舊舊髒髒的,筆芯也斷水了,但是我很喜歡!口金包是在pinkoi買的,是雙口金,分為兩邊可把零錢和鈔票做分類,品牌叫做翁記,是60年的老工廠,看了他們的品牌故事就覺得怦然心動,啊⋯是一直堅持傳統手工藝的老工匠親手製作的,收到實品也非常喜歡!挑選的布料可以看到一點點年代感,我可以想像日本老奶奶穿著和服拿著這個包包!哎呀太搭了! - #直感文具 #直物 #翁記 #口金包 #文具病 #文具

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喜歡這樣的新視角 有愛❤️ Diver: @j.j_ocean @_shin888 #freed

iving #freediver #freedive #love #dive+ #diveplus #taiwan #liuqiu #gopro #gopro4 #goprotaiwan #newpost #yolo #dreambig #dreamcatcher #ocean #seasidelife #oceanman #oceanwoman #mermaid #roxy

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時間會改變什麼?我花了兩年,將自己變成一個屁孩。 #aftertwoyears #timepass #

comparison #beforeafter #coffeeisalwaysneeded #change #你有freestyle嗎

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# We never know how strong we are until #hiking is

the only choice the #bdaygirl @phoenixyu44 gives # ##werock#feetsgram##precelebration#birthdayevent#adventureinspired#connection#naturalenergy#hikeday#phoenixrising#mountaingirls#womenpower#girlcrush#gzb#independentartist#hotchicksareus#hotchicksroaring#taipei#하이킹#華僑#陽明大學警衛室#軍艦岩# 壽星逼良爬山合法 #⛰ 寶寶主張把她踹下山也是情有可原的 #☀️ 失策穿毛衣汗如潮水已將姐淹滅 #
