

\ 富勒博士122歳生日紀念!非常...

\ 富勒博士122歳生日紀念!非常感恩您為世界創造的智慧結晶!更感恩您帶給Money&You全球畢業家人的寶貴資產!我是林偉賢,我以身為M&Y畢業家人為榮!\ \ https://www.facebook.com/willsonlin/posts/10155435594284326\ \ Today

is Bucky Fuller's birthday! Though he left this world on July 1st, 1983, he forever lives in the hearts of so many. His teachings, his discoveries / distinctions and sharing of generalized principles have been the guiding force for our teachings / organization. \ In many ways, he changed the course of humanity by teaching us the distinction that most of humanity is taught to live in scarcity through antiquated school systems and erroneous thinking. Once we see this, we can choose to live from Sufficiency which leads to Abundance / Prosperity for All. Happy birthday, Bucky! You forever live in our hearts ?\ \ Lots of resources about his work at: http://www.MoneyandYou.com/buckminster-fuller\ \ Our Global Business School Retreat Nov 11 - 18 will have many of his teachings in action! http://www.GlobalBusinessSchoolRetreat.com\ \ Check out his Institute where you can find his books, products and more information about his work: http://www.BFI.org\ \ Randolph Craft also has an amazing video library of Bucky's teaching at our Business School event, The Future of Business, back in 1981!\ \ #moneyandyou #dccordova #globalbusinessschoolretreat #excellerated #buckyfuller #buckminsterfuller #wealth #accesstocash\

\ 不管匯率是好是壞~~怎麼換最划...

\ 不管匯率是好是壞~~怎麼換最划算??\ \ #換匯 #日圓 #匯率\ =======================================\ 新同學的第一堂外匯課,詳情看:https://goo.gl/Ufkslb\

#Kids are the #fu...

#Kids are the #future~\ #Dance #1on1 #humble \ #兒童訓練一對一 #土星 #saturn #帥孩子 #confidence

\ 【紡織產業-產業資訊】\ \ ...

\ 【紡織產業-產業資訊】\ \ 智慧衣將成為未來十年最夯的衣服 \ \ http://www.chinatimes.com/realtimenews/20170316003012-260410\ \ #南緯 #潤泰全球 #紡織綜合所 #商業週刊\

\ 現在已經來到50.6附近,好不...

\ 現在已經來到50.6附近,好不容易回溫的通膨可能又要降溫了!\ #油價 #原油 #通貨膨脹 #能源\ \ Yahoo股市APP點我下載,馬上看原物料行情!\ https://yho.com/stockfb\

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是小時候吃的氣味啊!我愛~ #雲林 #雲林美食 #西螺 #西螺美食 #tainan #chiayi #美食 #甜點 #傳統 #tradtion #小吃 #food #oec #delicious #熱血玩台南 #exploretaiwan #citygramer #iseetaiwan ##exploretaiwan #amazingtaiwan #huntgramtaiwan #busystranger #ig_taiwan

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一手掌握➰零錢包❤️ #boyy #leather #black #gold #goods #smal

l #boyybucklewallet #coin #case #maisonnoir #mnboutique #taipei

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ᵂᴬᴷᴱ ᵂᴬᴷᴱ 醒醒工作室✨ (往右看更多 - 晚安 來介紹醒醒內部囉 - 粉粉的醒醒 門口設計的

一級棒 除了超可愛富士山三角錐 還有個大圓形旋轉門✨ - 裡頭很多小巧思 好喜歡那個#三眼怪 鈴阿 - 看醒醒公告 很多物品都被破壞了 裡面東西都是店家用心擺設的 所以不要亂動它們唷 - 真的是個很可愛的地方 也很喜歡他們的口號 " wake your stomach " " wake your life " 趕快一起來醒一下吧 - ᵂᴬᴷᴱ ᵂᴬᴷᴱ 醒醒工作室 桃園市楊梅區四維路29號(近埔心火車站) 11:00-18:00 FB: WakeWake 醒醒工作室 IG: @wakewakestudio ✏️皆採預約制 (請上FB 24hr線上訂位系統) - #桃園#埔心#桃園美食#桃園甜點#醒醒工作室#手繪#繪本#糰子#草莓#柴犬#粉紅色#富士山#抹茶 #taoyuan#wakewakestudio#wakewake#dessert#design#pink#shavedic#matcha#wakeyourlife#ice#jo愛吃桃園

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走投無路 #signs #signal #route #tunnel #cave #road

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#基隆八斗子 #潮境公園潮間帶 #八斗邀 #親子旅遊 【基隆八斗子旅遊】潮境公園潮間帶+長潭漁村+八斗

邀在地風味餐~傳統草鞋海洋風親子小旅行‧海科館附近美食。潮間帶認識生物親近浪花,了解漁村文化,「阿里棒棒」飛魚卵香腸,台灣風土在地精釀,大人小孩都很愛! http://blog.xuite.net/carriewu0925/carrie/499315679
