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Here're some clips I put on my Flickr page over the

past few months. I've been using Flickr for over ten yrs and some of my really close life friends were coming from Flickr. which is an amazing thing to get to know many art people and get inspired. #flickr #portfolio #copic #poppypurrsfactory

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#spaday #spa #salon #socie #肌膚之鑰

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瞇瞇眼 晚上八點台北城市賽 是由我跟瑞比一起播報唷 #傳說對決#gcs#smg#jt #st#ms#h


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#華晨宇 #假行僧 #cover

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從左到右,分別是4年半前,4年前,3年半前,3年前,1年半前。 結論是⋯最近真的比以前胖好多[捂臉]

#再瘦三公斤才能輕鬆穿回s號 #為啥吃東西可以那麼快樂吃完卻好罪惡 #不太會胖臉拍照可以騙一下 . . . #instagood #childhood #college #university #student #before #happy #eat #food #guilty #sadness #fitness
