

\ Superbb在香港SA+展覽...

\ Superbb在香港SA+展覽最後一天\ \ SA+ Wishes everyone a Happy Lunar New Year ahead of you! Gong Hei Fat Choy! Please be aware that we will be closed during the

public hoiday and reopen on the 8th Friday!\ Winter Collection 冬季系列\ 10 Jan - 9 Feb, 2019 | 10am - 7pm\ #koreanartist #koreanart #contemporaryart #modernart #fineart #artexhibition #painting #edition #print #sculpture #seoulauction #seoulauctionhongkong #saplus #hongkongart #hqueens #central #hongkong #cny #happylunarnewyear #jeffkoons #wangcheinyang #kimjunsik\ _________________________\ Kim Jun Sik\ Android\ oil on canvas \ 55x55cm \ 2018\ _________________________\ Jeff Koons\ Balloon Rabbit, Monkey and Swan \ Rabbit: 29.2 x 13.9 x 21.0 cm\ Monkey: 24.9 x 20.9 x 39.2 cm \ Swan: 24.1 x 16.4 x 21.0 cm \ porcelain with high-gloss glazing\ ed. of 999\ 2017\ _________________________\ Wang Chein Yang\ Superbb 06\ acrylic on canvas \ 76 x 61 cm \ 2019 @ H Queen's Hong Kong\

\ 做好準備是成功的一半。\ \ ...

\ 做好準備是成功的一半。\ \ To be prepared is half the victory.\ \ \ —— Miguel de Cervantes\ \ #ican #icare #ichange #cervantes #dailyquote #每日一句 #唐吉訶德 #語錄 \

\ _____________________\ \ #文學家語錄\ \ 【Pearl Buck】\ https://www.ic975.com/daily-sentence/quote-20181130/\ \ 【Johann Wolfgang von Goethe】\ https://www.ic975.com/daily-sentence/quote-20181129/\ \ 【Antoine de Saint-Exupery】\ https://www.ic975.com/daily-sentence/quote-20181126/\

\ 稅做不好,會引發暴動的。(C編...

\ 稅做不好,會引發暴動的。(C編?)\ #法國 #馬克宏 #燃料稅\

\ In life, we've ...

\ In life, we've been taught to think carefully before you make any decisions or choices. Carefully enough that you are 100% sure you are gonna succeed

or everything is gonna be okay till you choose the decision or take the chances. Often we let the opportunities slip by. What are you doubting about? What is stopping you ? If you want all the answers to your questions before you make a decision. Let me tell you from many life experiences , it's not gonna happen ! And you know it ! You'll never gonna know how marriage is gonna be like unless you enter marriage. You'll never know how to become a leader unless you take it . You'll never know what life is gonna be like in a new environment unless you go for it . People called this RISKs, but what keeps me moving forward is called FAITH. Take action right now, love and cherish your life before you start worrying about others. Tomorrow is not promised. #life #love #rawvana #fitspo #fitfamnl #journey #fit #fitness #healthy #feelgood #proud #healthychoices #active #strong #motivation #success #determination #lifestyle #getfit #progress #risk #faith #beastmode #gymlife #training #bodygoals #inspiration #behappy #lifegoals #fitnesslifestyle\

\ 等等飛沖繩囉\ 明天晚上pm...

\ 等等飛沖繩囉\ 明天晚上pm5:00我會在fb上直播30分鐘,\ 比點讚讚數請大家來我fb點讚分享\ 啾咪\ \ #酷紅幣#虛擬貨幣#GIC#沖繩#世界巡迴賽#網紅實境PK#直播\

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每到一個階段都會被問的問題,我好像卡在第二階段(哭 #階段 #對象 #結婚 #小孩 #人2 #Peop

le2 #徵女友

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這幾天出去玩的照片都還沒發完 - #富貴角#富貴角燈塔#極北點

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晚上是收假日 #海巡署 #下士 #cga #軍旅生涯 看看現在 想想未來 茫然茫然

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. #達欣 #達欣工程 #達欣工程籃球隊 #台北達欣 #臺北達欣 #達欣籃球隊 #congratul

ation #champion #SBL #basketball #basketballgame #籃球 #SuperBasketballLeague #籃球比賽 #籃球賽 #sbl超級籃球聯賽 #basketball #winner #總冠軍 #達欣封王

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-12度.......... 豁出去才脫下外套拍照的 #洗版 #JamieSW #cabincrew

#crewlife #chicago #thebean #milleniumpark #icb #sweaters #girls #ootd
