

Received some mes...

Received some messages asking about the number and alphabet stamps I used.\ Here they are??\ I have several sets, these called attachable stamp set.\ S

urely there are many different kind of version around the world.\ Most of the time they are used in the office, so it’s easier to find them in those stationery stores for office supplies. \ Of course, you can always order online.\ They are attachable to each other, in many different sizes, also several different fonts to choose.\ I like it to be simple, so I bought mine from a same Japanese brand: Sanby.\ Here are the sets I have: \ alphabets No 2, No 4, and No 6. \ numbers No 1, No 3, No 5, and No 6.\ I choose the alphabets and the numbers in different sizes so I can arrange them the way I want.\ you don’t have to buy the big whole set, only those sizes you need.\ I also bought the numbers in Mandarin.\ ( originally used on checks.)\ When I want to add some oriental tone to my work, I use them.\ 收到一些訊息詢問個人用的數字和英文印章,就是它們嘍??\ 我有好幾組,這個叫做連結章~\ 當然這種東西全世界應該有非常多種版本,大多是屬於事務性印章,所以在賣辦公用品的文具店蠻容易買到。\ 當然,網購永遠是個選項。\ 它們可以互相連結在一起變成一排字,有各種尺寸,不同品牌也有不同字體可以選。\ 我喜歡文字的部分簡單,(字體太多顯亂)所以我的全部都是同一個日本品牌:Sanby。\ 以下是我有的號數:\ 英文字母:2號/ 4號/ 6號\ 數字:1號/ 3號/ 5號/ 6號\ 號數跳著選這樣對我來說比較好安排畫面。\ 個人建議不用買到大全套,挑自己常用的尺寸買就好。\ 我還有一組中文數字(原本用來蓋支票之類的),想要加一點東方感就會用它們。\ #linchianing #stamp #paper #collage #paperlover #stamps #scrapbooking #scrapbook #scrapbookinglayout #dryflowers #dryflower #stationery #stationeryaddict #handycrafts #crafts #craft #papercrafts #paperart #new #handmade #collageart #paperlover #paperlovers #rubberstamp #rubberstamps #alphabet #number


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