鏡子們很乖沒有出賣我!So luc...
鏡子們很乖沒有出賣我!So lucky that you still can't see me through the mirror!✌?✌\ ?位置:台北市南港區經貿二路168-188號\ ?Artist:@studiotomassaraceno\ ?About:This artwork ‘Clou
d City: HAT-P-12’ is created by argentine artsist Tomas Saraceno in 2016. He is former architect, and in his opinion, spider is the best architect in the world. Therefore, spider web is inspired him to create his artwork, including this modules in CTBC Financial Park in Taipei. I love the idea that the grass & sky would be reflect by its mirrors, and you? ?\ #missrainbow #中國信託金融園區